Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Ok, I know. REALLY? Has it really been since July that I have updated this blog? I knew I would not be very good at this. I guess there has been alot happen since then.
First starting in August, we bought a children's clothing boutique called Patty Cakes. Wow, what an adventure. We got someone to come in and redo the floors to acid stained concrete and we ourselves (with the help of our family) painted all of the walls. That was a huge job that I would never do again. Then Addison turned one year old! We had a great party with all of our family and a couple of our friends here. She had a kelly green and zebra print theme. It turned out really cute. We grilled hamburgers and had all the extras to go with it. We had a cake with a vanilla layer, a chocolate layer, and a strawberry layer. It was soooo good. Her smash cake of course had to be chocolate. She made quite a mess. She got lots of great presents and has loved playing with them since then. The rest of August was pretty calm. We did go to Branson with all of the Baltz family. We went to Silver Dollar City which was fun for everyone of all ages. It was a good weekend.
September starts off with the opening of the store. We re-opened the doors on September 3rd. We have had a great response to the store being open again. I am loving it. It is lots of fun and of course a big perk for Addison. We have a facebook page if you want to check it out. It is Patty Cakes Childrens Boutique. We did go to the Razorback game in Little Rock. Tailgating there is always lots of fun. We get to see all of our Med School friends/Little Rock friends and hang out for the day and do some catching up. I love to be out on that golf course all day. It is a great atmosphere. We also got Addison's 1 year pictures made in the beginning of the month. Amanda came to Jonesboro this time to take her pictures. She did great and we got some good pics. I guess that pretty much sums up September.
October so far has been good. My mom and sister-in-law to be both had birthdays in the beginning of October. So we had a couple of birthday parties in there. Then Brian and I went to Dallas to the Razorback/A&M game. It was a great weekend. We had lots of fun and that Cowboys stadium is amazing. Next week I go to Market in Dallas for the store. I am excited but nervous about that. I think it will be fun and stressful. I will be looking at spring/summer clothes and we are just now getting ready to wear fall clothes. Oh well, I will give it my best shot. Brian also takes his step 3 test in another week also. Which means he can get his license and start to moonlight. That will be great other than between his job, the store and moonlighting we will be going in all kinds of directions. Well I guess that is it for now. I will post again sooner this next time. Bye.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Summer is a busy time of year. I am not sure why due to it is so hot outside, but as for our summer it is flying by. I guess it has almost been 3 months since I updated this blog. I am not sure why I can't seem to keep it more updated than that. We really haven't done anything in the last couple of months. Just Brian working and me taking care of Addison. She is almost 11 months old now. She is very busy. She crawls around and gets into everything. I don't think it will be much longer and she will be walking. We did get pictures made in April. My friend Amanda took them and they turned out great. I did post one of them on here at the top of the page. It won't be much longer and it will be time to get her 1 year old pictures done. It is amazing how fast they grow and how much they change. She for sure has her own little personality and everyday is something new.

I have nothing new going on. I think I had told a few of you about possibly buying a children's clothing boutique here in Jonesboro. That fell through. We talked with the current owner several times but we were advised that her asking price was not near where it should be. I really wanted it to work out because that was something I had really wanted to do. I would love to have my own store and I thought this one would be perfect due to it was already established. But it is not worth just following a dream when the price is not right. I sure don't want to get into a situation where I over pay for something and then it end up being a burden. So there went that.

As for Brian, he is officially a 2nd year resident now. He was really excited not to be an intern anymore. Although I am happy for him not to be on in-house call anymore, I am not sure that it will be much better for him to be at home and be getting phone calls at all hours of the night and having to get up and go in. I know that is going to be hard on me if I am getting woke up that much also. I am a bear if I don't get my sleep. Ha. Oh well it is what it is.

As for the holidays for the past couple of months, we haven't done much. Memorial Day we just hung out at Brian's parents pool with the family. Of course for all holidays you just eat way too much. For the 4th of July, Brian and I went to the lake with Brian's brother, sister-in-law, and their kids. It was alot of fun. Addison did not make that trip. She is just too small for things like that yet. The rest of the weekend we were in Pocahontas with our families. We also went to the fireworks show in Jonesboro. It was a good show, but Addison managed to sleep through all of it. She was just too tired.

I think that is about it for us for right now. I will post an update sooner this next time. We do have some things coming up that will give me something to write about. And of course we have a birthday coming up for Addison in the next 2 months so I will post lots of pics from that. Talk to you soon.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Well I guess it is time for a new update. It has been since February since I have been on here. For those of you checking this all the time I am very sorry that I do not update more.

Well in the beginning of March we had Addison baptized. It all went really well. The whole family was there with us. She did absolutely wonderful. The only time she cried was when he made us all sit down for the first few minutes. After that she just kept looking at me like what is going on? After it was over we all went back to my in-laws house to have lunch together. The food was wonderful and I think everyone had a great day. Addison was so excited, I guess, because she couldn't sleep all day. I think she only ended up taking about an hour nap all day long. We had one tired child when we got home. All in all it was a great day.

A little later in March Brian and I took Addison to the Memphis zoo. It was alot of fun. Well I guess it was more fun for Brian and I. Addison is still just a bit too young for the zoo. The only animal she really noticed was the swimming polar bear. She did enjoy riding in her stroller though and just being outside. It was a great family day for all of us.

We also went to the doctor this month for our last synagis shot (which is just an antibody shot for RSV that they give to premature infants). I am sooooo excited to be done with those. We got that shot every month since November and I hate for her to have shots. We don't have to go back to the doctor again until May and that will just be for a 9 month check-up. At this last appointment she weighed 16lbs. and 10 ozs. She is just growing perfectly.

Well that puts us to April. The only things for April so far is a trip to Little Rock and Easter. Our trip to Little Rock was for Addison to have her pictures made. It was a fast trip but a great trip. I really enjoyed getting out for the day and just hanging out. Addison did wonderful for her pictures. I really thought it was going to be a bad day because she did not nap that morning but it turned out great. My Friend Amanda took the pictures and from what I have seen so far they are fabulous. If any of you need a person in Little Rock to take pictures for you then I highly suggest using her. Anyway once I get them back I will post some on here for you to see.

And 2 days later of course was Easter. It was a great day other than Brian was on call and did not get to be with us. Addison and I went to Pocahontas to stay with my parents on Saturday. We didn't do much other than Addison had her first ride on the 4-wheeler and she LOVED it. We went to church on Sunday with my parents and then I took Addison to visit her granny, papa, aunts, uncles, and cousins at my in-laws house. Of course she racked up from the Easter bunny which visited her at every house she went to. She is going to be one rotten little child. That pretty much sums us up for now. I will post her pictures soon. Talk to you guys later!

Friday, February 26, 2010

The last 2 months and Destin

Well I know it has been a long time since I update you guys. We have been doing nothing exciting in the last 2 months. Brian's birthday came and went in January. He turned 30 this year! We didn't do anything exciting but go to dinner. That is a big thing for us these days. We go from living in Little Rock and eating out at least 3 times a week to living in Jonesboro (boo) and never eating out. It is just easier to avoid the restaurants with a 6 month old plus this town has only 1 or 2 good places to eat. I am not much on chain restaurants.
February was a little more exciting. Addison turned 6 months old and we went to Destin to spend a week with Brian's parents. They go every year and spend a little more than a month there. It was nice to get away from Arkansas. Addison did wonderful on the trip, mainly due to we drove at night so she slept the entire way. The week in Destin was cold over all and it rained a couple of the days but it is not like you can sit on the beach and suntan in February. It really turned out to be a great trip. The food is always worth the drive for us. Well the food and the outlet mall. Addison really racked up on some cute clothes. She also got to spend the week with her granny and papa. She also attended her first parade which was a Mardi Gras parade. She gots lots of beads and they looked so cute on her. Then we were home again and it was Valentines Day. Brian and I went out to eat while my parents kept the baby. That was nice. Brian got me a necklace that has 2 charms on it. One says Addison and the other has her birth date on it. I love the necklace, he did a good job with the help of all of my hint dropping. That pretty much sums up our last 2 months. Now you guys know why I have not updated this in a while. Ha.
Well now for an update on Miss Addison. She is doing wonderful. We went to the doctor today. Everything was great. She now weighs 15lbs. and 10ozs. She is in the 40th percentile for her weight and height. She is really growing everyday. She is also developing a little personality. She is really smiley most of the time but man when she doesn't like something she will sure let you know about it. We are eating baby food now also. I think she got Brian's gag reflex because if she gets a hold of something that doesn't taste good then you might want to back up. We are getting her baptized next Sunday. I just hope she can behave long enough to get through it. Anyway I guess that is about it for us here. Hope everyone is doing great. Talk to you soon.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well Christmas was a blurr. There were a couple of days in there where there was a ton of things going on. It started with the AHEC Christmas party. We went to the party and Addison chose to not be social. She has really started noticing strangers and she will really pucker her bottom lip anytime someone new talks to her. It was cute for a while but now I wish she would get over it. She screamed her head off when Santa (Dr. Stallings) held her at the party as you can see in the picture. The other picture from the party is Sara, Terri, and I and our babies. That same night we did our Christmas at home. That was fun and really nice. We had a great night with just the 3 of us. The next day (Christmas eve) was one thing to another. We started the morning off with my family and it was great. We opened our presents, played a couple of games, and ate way too much food. Then it was off to church. Addison did pretty well. She slept through most of it which was really a good thing. We then went to Brian's parents house. We again ate too much and opened presents with them. Addison really racked up at both places. She got lots of neat toys and some really cute outfits. She also took her picture with several of her cousins and granny and papa. Everyone was in their new pajamas. From there Brian had to leave that night to come home because he was on call Christmas Day. Addison, Penney, and I stayed in Pocahontas with my parents for 2 nights so that we didn't have to be alone on Christmas Day. All in all it was a great few days but it just went by too fast.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve. Brian and I are going to Memphis by ourselves. We are going to eat at the Melting Pot and who knows from there. I am really excited. Addison is going to stay with her Mimi then and again on Saturday. We are going to the Liberty Bowl to watch the Hogs on Saturday. That should be fun. We should get to see some of our Little Rock friends then. It will be nice to have 2 days out without the child and have some fun.

The update on Addison as far as our last Dr.'s appointment was good. She now weighs 12lbs. and 10ozs. She is in the lower 20th percentile on weight and growth. He said everything looked great. We are suppose to start trying to give her cereal now but just one time a day. I have tried once and she did not like it. She just kept spitting out everything I put in her mouth. I guess we will try again in another week. Anyway that is about it for us for now. At the rate I am going I will update this again in another few weeks. HA! Talk to you guys soon.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

And for my last post of today I just really wanted to put a couple of these pics on here. I had a doctor's appointment today and of course Addison had to go with me. So that meant she got all dressed up in a cute little outfit. Here is the funny part, the little outfit she has on was suppose to be what she came home from the hospital in. Needless to say that didn't work out and now that she is 17 weeks old she can finally wear it. The other pic is from Thanksgiving weekend when the Hogs played LSU. She supported them from Pocahontas and to think they almost pulled it off. What a game!

On an adult note Brian and I did get to go to the Little Rock Razorback football game while Addison stayed with her Mimi. We had a good time. My brother Michael and his girlfriend Lauren went with us. It was a fast day and a very fast trip but it was nice to get out without the baby for awhile. We did get to see some of our friends from Little Rock which was great. We sure do miss it there.

Let me start by saying I am Sorry. I know it has been forever since I have update this page and I know there are a few of you who are probably giving up on me. Anyway, since I last posted on here Addison is 10lbs and 13ozs. She has finally got rid of her apnea monitor and is sleeping in her own bed. She only wakes up 1 time a night now also (Gotta love that). We are now getting out a whole lot more although RSV season is starting so that may not be a good idea. She is getting the antibody injection every month to prevent RSV but you never can tell. We had a great Thanksgiving with my family at lunch and then Brian's family for dinner. That was way too much food. I don't know how I am ever going to lose this baby weight eating like that. I do have some new pics from Thanksgiving of Addison, a pic of Addison and her Mimi, and then a pic of her with her girl cousins. Hope you guys enjoy them.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well here I am today trying to figure out what I am suppose to put on here. I know I need to be updating this more but I can't find anything exciting to post. When you don't get to go anywhere then there is only so much you can say. We did go to lunch yesterday with Addison's Uncle Michael and Auntie Lauren. And then on to Patty Cakes (a childrens boutique) to buy a pacifier clip and a new hair bow. Of course then we came home and took new pics as you can see. Her new hair bow matched her outfit perfect. We go back to the doctor in another week and a half and I am certain at that point that the apnea monitor will be gone. We have been off of caffeine for 2 weeks now and the monitor is still not going off. That is great. I can't wait to get rid of that machine. She seems to be still gaining weight like crazy so that is good also. I will let everyone know what happens then.

Brian is now on another OB rotation. That is alittle better than his last month. He is not on call on the weekends so that helps me alot. We are hoping to for sure make it to the Razorback game in Little Rock in a couple of weeks. We already have my mom lined up to keep Addison so we hope to see everyone there. I am also ready for all of the holiday festivities. I guess I am going to go ahead and start decorating for Christmas. It is just too much work to do all of that decorating for only a couple of weeks, so I am going to do mine now. Anyway I will talk to you guys again soon.